Unravel Me

i majored in english and i like expensive sandwiches

yesterday, i put on my North Face hoodie fleece, got into my ultra-low emissions Honda Civic, and headed to Whole Paychecks Whole Foods with my reusable grocery totes, which i then filled with $1.50/each pink navel oranges, organic bell peppers, organic honey-ginger tea, hormone-free organic milk, organic strawberries, a cup of fair trade organic coffee, and $8 worth of tabouleh/quinoa-sprinkled salad bar goodness. (oh, and i bought Thin mints and Caramel Clusters--which i still call "Samoas"--from the cute little Girl Scouts selling cookies at a table/tent set up outside the store).

when i got home, there was studying to be done, but i first procrastinated by having a good laugh at this: Stuff White People Like. now, you'll probably find it funny if, like me, you 1) come from a liberal arts college undergrad background, and/or 2) you live in certain cities, or or maybe certain university towns like mine, which are filled with Priuses with Obama stickers, driven by owners who wear their $200 Seven-for-All-Mankind jeans and go buy $5.99 heirloom tomatoes, and have kids named Connor, Riley, Madison, Jayden, Isabelle, or Hailey (who are gifted, of course). OR... 3) you loathe these types.

wow. i'm forced to conclude after my read-through that i'm...like...uber-white! yah, it could well be the microscopic drop of Russian blood in me. ;-) who is the blog's writer anyway? i bet he's some white hipster dude**.

OK, now it's time to switch gears and be Asian-American again: i have a statistics midterm to study for. ugh, the math never ends! i continued on to Statistics IV: Advanced Multivariate Analysis(!) this semester and it's really hard, although i actually like the professor and the class isn't half-bad. i think & hope it's all going to be okay in the end, even though i definitely have moments when i feel so "blonde" in math, i.e. right now. the matrix algebra that sent me into a panic on the Stat III midterm last fall (and in high school in 1988) has returned. think good thoughts for me!

**Update: it turns out, the author is, in fact, white!

11:55 p.m. ::
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