Unravel Me

a tale of acute abdomen

i had to be rushed to the hospital emergency room at around 11pm last night. not surpringly, it ended up being an overnight ordeal. it's not quite how i envisioned spending a late sunday night to conclude my weekend. and, as a result, this week has started unfolding in a way i didn't anticipate. but doesn't life have a way of being unpredictable?

you go in to get checked for what people around you suspect might be appendicitis. when 3am rolls around, you find yourself lying on a table in the ultrasound room, wearing one of those open-in-the-back hosptial gowns that doesn't discriminate in stripping its wearer of a feeling of dignitiy.

you're shivering because you feel cold, and medical gowns don't exactly provide the warmth of your soft flannel pajamas, and your warm inviting bed at home. and you're in limbo about whether they'll find something that means they have to, god forbid, wheel you in for emergency surgery. and, even though you've had it twice in the past, even the remote possibility of going under general anesthesia scares the shit out of you.

and you feel cold because, now, at 3am, not only is there ultrasound gel smeared on your belly, but your feet are also propped up in cold metal stirrups as they get ready for another procedure. and then 4am rolls around and you're hooked up to IV fluids and a pain medication drip, waiting to know exactly what's wrong with you and why you feel so crummy.

fast-forward to exactly 24 hours after you first went to the ER. here you are now and you've again been reduced into crumpled ball, crying out in pain. so you pop the vicodin they prescribed at the hospital. and now you're all drugged up and useless and feeling a little, er, sick to your stomach.

and now in the present tense, i'm REALLy feeling the vicodin effects now and becuase it's late and i feel, uh....not so good, it's time to get to bed. and hopefully manage not to vomit.

i'll wait 'til tomorrow to ask why this is happening to me, and why now of all times (right before a holiday and right before the busiest time of my semester at school).

11:49 p.m. ::
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