Unravel Me

like sand through the hourglass...

friday. my favorite day of the week. life is a cycle where, every day, i wake up hoping against all odds that it's friday, and 6 times out of 7, it's not. today, i'm at the school computer lab & library, trying to mend my procrastinating ways.

OK, my big news is that my plane tickets are booked--i'm going to korea for a couple of weeks this summer! lots more on this soon. (it's still sinking in that it's for real).

last week, i baked my 1st pecan pie (a success)! speaking of success, i got an A on my statistics exam. whew! isn't it strange how seemingly insignificant things that happen when you're younger can have lingering effects on your confidence? in my case, academically, it was high school Honors Trigonometry class. i think i ended up with an A there in the end, though the memories have become hazy with time. *BUT*... what i *clearly* remember was the humiliation of failing a test during one six week grading period & getting a D on my report card for that six week term. imagine how it felt at that point to wonder if i was in over my head, and start questioning if i had a math learning-disability at the time. seems silly now.

i'm conducting achievement testing on elementary school children as part of my grad research duties, these days. (it's an interesting project, and i'll say more on it soon). it's grueling since it requires driving way out to rural Nelson County super early. i'm not used to leaving home before sunrise, but am pleasantly surprised by how fun it is and how endearing the kids are. i'm admittedly relieved at not being assigned to a school requiring me to take I-64 westbound. although it's lame, i still get slightly jittery about that stretch of highway, from the july 2004 car accident, where i got rear-ended in the PASSING LANE up there!

what else? i just learned a friend is moving to minneapolis in june. oh man i'll miss him! i've had this itty-bitty crush on him, but really we're just good pals, and he's a warm, goofy, fun guy. also, Architect Boy will to graduate with his masters degree in may and is job-hunting here (locally) & near washington dc, and...in california.

what else? i'm going to a friend's son's 1st b-day party this weekend for pizza, cake & ice cream.

what else? i've decided my bare-bones student health insurance plan sucks. you save $ up-front and pay a LOT out-of-pocket. don�t get me started. speaking of health, i�m happy to be back to regular swimming and elliptical machine workouts.

finally�my gay boyfriend, david sedaris, is coming to my city on april 6th. my family will be here for Easter weekend, but if tickets aren�t sold out yet maybe i'll still go. well, like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of my life�

3:17 p.m. ::
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