Unravel Me

a bar of soap, the smell of cherry blossoms...

alright, since one can only eat so many popovers, enough about my steamy love affair. moving on...

i'm on spring break. and you know what? the material we're covering in statistics II is about as easy to grasp as a bar of soap dropped into the bathtub. EXCELLENT!

you know what else? my vacation is being eaten by STUDYING b/c i've got...not one...but TWO midterm exams scheduled on the day classes resume after break. that's two monstrous tests to green me when i get back. EXCELLENT, again!

and guess what else? that happens to be the day after we set our clocks ahead and lose an hour for Daylight Savings Time. (don't forget--DST starts three weeks early this year!). so time is precious, with one less hour to prepare for my exams. it also means getting up at 7am on monday for my Stats exam will be a bitch since it'll really feel like 6am and will still be dark outside. although i love longer days and late sunsets in summer, the initial shift throws off my body's circadian rhythm.

i think i 'm feeling the same type of panic i felt in, what...maybe 1991? i was 17, and a senior in high school, and our Calculus teacher, mr. turner, used to give pop quizzes at the end of class most days, plus a test every friday. panic indeed. *{takes deep breath}*

in the end, it'll all be OK. i did escape to DC this past weekend and enjoyed it, even if i was there too early to see the cherry blossoms. for as long as i can recall, i've loved washington dc in springtime, esp. early spring. the view of the city is stunning when the cherry blossoms are out in their delicate, fleeting beauty. somehow, thinking about that sight reassures me that things will be okay in the end. because, although there are iffy moments during late-winter cold snaps each february/march, the early cherry tree buds always manage to survive those late frosts. likewise, i'll survive my midterm exams. hopefully. *PS: i still have something exciting i might want to share soon. :-)

1:56 p.m. ::
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