Unravel Me

say it loud and clear

well, i didn't think i'd be updating again so soon, BUT...yesterday was one of those days when i realized how glad i am to have found my voice. it's a voice i found back when i was in my late teens/early twenties, and in college. during that time in my life, i began to come into myself and become my own woman. i became increasingly aware that i shouldn't be afraid to speak up and take action, and have my voice be heard when it counts.

however, i am afraid i'm probably going to have to use that voice in a way i didn't want to have to use it. damn. someone did something to me yesterday that was absolutely inappropriate. at least i think i'm prepared. people tend to underestimate you when you're female, or you look young, or you're petite, or Asian-American, or introverted or whatever the case may be.

i will speak up and be heard.

9:24 a.m. ::
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