Unravel Me

bridesmaids & airplane wings

right now, i'm wrapped in a blanket, lying on my living room couch, watching the olympics. and b/c i'm too damn lazy to get up and sit down at my desk (where my mac sits), i'm using my work laptop and a poached wireless connection! what's better than stolen wireless in bed!?

my chest and my stomach muscles hurt from coughing so much. ouch! last week, i developed what i assumed was a cold. instead, it turned out to be "walking pneumonia", so i'm on antibiotics. my body's defenses have been way down this winter. it sounds crazy, but i really do suspect it's related to the discontinuity in my acupuncture treatments. i need to remedy the lack of needles soon and find someone as skilled as dr. glick.

despite being super tired and feeling like my lungs are about to dislodge from all that coughing, i'm actually in decent spirits. yesterday's snowstorm didn't hurt matters. it was fitting weather for a day spent indoors watching the winter olympics. winter storms always ingnite this urge to bake and cook warm, comforting foods like soups, curry, chili, potato-based dishes, and the like. so i listened to that urge.

i feel sad for michelle kwan. she made the right decision to withdraw, but oh man...it's sort of like "always a bridesmaid". i still remember being stunned when they gave tara lipinski the gold medal in the 1998 olympics in nagano. something about tara and her skating bugged me**. in stark contrast to michelle, there was nothing gracious about her, and i found her skating somewhat boring and un-artistic--even if it was technically error-free.

**a few years later, i realized what it was about tara lipinski that bugged me: she skated with "airplane arms"! if you don't know what i'm talkin' about, just contrast her with more artistic, graceful, elegant, ballet-like skaters, like michelle kwan, sasha cohen, kristi yamaguchi, and some of the russian girls. when their arms are extended out, their wrists and hands curve gracefully. but tara's arms, hands, and fingers all stuck straight out. just like airplane wings!

okay. i think it's time to fold up the laptop, take some cough syrup and sleep like a baby. i will not be at work tomorrow. maybe a sick day is a chance to learn about curling. ;-)

11:00 p.m. ::
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