Unravel Me

new year, same jeans

happy new year! first off, many thanks to the lovely cruel-irony for doing a great guest-entry during my absence. if anyone can balance humor and thoughtfulness, it's her.

how�s 2006, so far? it�s already 1/9, but i want to do 2005 justice and recap it because it was a good year, and its better late than never. you must excuse my absence from d-land. on new year's day morning, i flew back home w/ a killer champagne headache--much bigger than i deserved! i don�t recommend flying hungover. it really WAS only one glass of bubbly! but new year�s eve was fun. how can one not enjoy a 12/31 outing to get dim sum for a years' end brunch? also, pomegrantate juice in champagne is *good*. but being at high-altitude probably dehydrated me and set me up for a hangover. anyway. on with the recap:

there were no monumental, dazzling changes in 2005, but it was good in a steady, low-key, personal way. one highlight of �05 was doing my 1st triathlon b/c of of what that accomplishment represented to me. i learned a lot about myself through it, as well as other small things that happened in my life in the past year. i suspect 2006 will bring some exciting & interesting changes, as yet to be determined. sure, i�m still apprehensive-as-hell about the possibility of having to move either in-town OR long-distance. i�m scared and even sad about some changes that will occur in �06. but more importantly, i am convinced it�ll be a good year and everything will be ok in the end. so bring it on!

it sounds silly, but i feel optimistic and energized every january. part of it may be the commercial hype about resolutions and self-improvement, etc. but, no�i�ve never been one to make explicit, rigid new year�s resolutions. it can be too superficial, and i�m on more of a quest for continuous self-improvement. what i really think fuels my optimism is the post-solstice angle of the january sun. even though it�s the depths of winter, the lengthening daylight and the changed angle of the sun energize me with thoughts of springtime, as it tantalizingly dances right around the corner.

it�s late, so i�ll write more tomorrow. but let me add that my jeans still fit comfortably! with the amount of food available during the holidays, it�s a wonder they still do. how many times did i find myself reaching for a cookie, or another serving of mashed potatoes, saying to myself �Oh, go on, M! You deserve it. After all, it�s the Holidays!�?? too many times to count. haha! so i partially rescind my no resolution-making statement above. it�s time to resume the fitness routine i slacked off on at GRE cram-time this fall. otherwise my jeans will get tight.

**PS: who saw the bachelor? did you see that woman saying her �eggs are rotting�? sure, lots of 30+ single women might feel her pain. but hey--if that doesn't make a guy run away, i don't know what will! now, although he may not be ready to think about it yet�his last name *IS* �Stork�. ha.ha.

12:28 a.m. ::
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