Unravel Me


Horny Catholic Priets.

Needless to say, this is not Emerald Tiger updating. This is Cruel Irony.

I'm a little nervous, as I've never guest-updated before and I think I was supposed to do this a couple of days ago. That said, the above title was one that was used by one of my guest writers Girls Don't Cry several years ago. However, as a Googling joke, I suppose it's not so funny when you have a passworded diary, like this one. So, um, nevermind.

I like that unraveling ball of yarn off to the right. How about you guys? Emerald is sleek like that. Oh, did you guys read about the marathon she did? See the pictures? Amazing. Actually, it was one of those triathlon things. Did I spell that right? I'm winging it here. Anyway, she ran, swam and biked. Very cool.

One thing Emerald and I have in common is that we both have a physical disability so sometimes we're all physically decrepit and sometimes we're all physcially amazing. Well, more her than me. That whole triathlon thing? Way more than I've ever done. I walk a lot instead.

What else? Oh, did she ever tell you I was one of her first readers? No? Well, I was. I encouraged her to start a diary and she was somewhat hesitant. I told her that you just never know what'll come of such a thing -- only I didn't say it that eloquently -- and, well, she started her diary. Later, she told me that she was suprised by the response.

I suppose she got that response from us, her regular readers. She's got quite a following. Don't tell her I told you this, but she really, really appreciates all of you for reading her diary.

Truly, she does. I know it's hard to imagine but she really was quite hesitant to pen her words. I thought she had a lot to say. Things that would resonate with people. She didn't believe me. (She does triathlons, I predict outcomes.) Anyway, I'm sure you'd all agree that it was a good thing that she started this diary.

She aslo provides great links, whether to places, recipes or events. But, most of all, she's real. Emerald is always the real deal and I love that about her. So much so I won't make a joke about horny Catholic priets.

Instead, I'll sign off. If you have a mind to, send Emerald a note or whatnot. Tell her what her writing has meant to you, cause I know if it's meant something to me, it's meant something to you.

11:13 p.m. ::
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