Unravel Me

snow & starbucks & squash & so much more�

the "Charlie Brown X-mas Special" is on tv. we had our 1st snowfall yesterday. i'm staying warm with a peppermint mocha that comes from a certain corporate coffee chain with a round green logo that some people think has gotten too big but that i simply can't resist because their coffee is damn good. how's that for a run-on sentence? boy, it felt good to type that out! and yes, i'm a sucker for said store's seasonal specials. each fall/winter, i make a point of getting at least one pumpkin latte, a gingerbread latte, a peppermint mocha, and an eggnog latte.

speaking of run-ons, i'm finally relieved & elated. i got my official GRE score report in the mail today, and learned that my analytical essay writing section score was a perfect "6" (!) so i apparently know when i can get away w/ run-ons and when i can't. heh! honestly, i had been a little worried about the analytical writing section. first, it's one of the new sections they added when they revised the GRE and computerized the test. so there was an unfamiliarity factor. second, while i've always had some confidence in my writing skills, i worried about this section because it resembles extemporaneous speaking.

remember high school debate & forensics class, where they toss out a question and expect kids to start speaking impromptu? the analytical essay section is like that, except in writing. there are two timed essays. the first is an issues essay, where you're given an opinionated statement on a topic of broad interest. you must choose a position, and back up your points, within 45 minutes. the tricky thing is that you don't know what topic you'll get, and the statements are rather open and vague�for example, something like this "There cannot be science without religion".. the second essay is, i think, more straightforward. you are presented with an argument and must critique it for flaws & discuss how logically sound it is.

now that my scores are here, what i was so worried about after all? truthfully, my worry was that i ran out of time on the 1st essay. it was all typed out, but as i was putting extra final touches on it, the timer flashed "0:00", and panic filled the pit of my stomach--had i left any stones unturned in that essay? in retrospect, (and in my humble opinion), the essays are probably the "fairest" section of the GRE. that's b/c you can practice & drill yourself on math and verbal to some extent. but the analytical essays assess how well you think on your toes, and how logical and articulate you are. and that's not something people can really cram for. SO�law school, anyone? just kidding. after investing time + $$ in GRE's, the LSAT couldn't be further from my mind.

lately, i've been on this squash kick. bring on the winter squash! there's nothing quite like the smell of squash in the oven on a winter evening. last night, it was candied butternut squash*. afterwards, i roasted the seeds*, which are a tasty treat, for anyone who appreciates pumpkin seeds. i didn't know if other winter squash seeds were edible or good, but for the heck of it, i tried roasting them and it worked! tonight i fixed spaghetti squash, which i ate just like�well, spaghetti! a glass of merlot didn't hurt.

*PS: i cannot wait to see who wins ANTM. and guess what? tomorrow night is also the premiere of the next "Project Runway"!

**PPS: candied butternut squash recipe, & roasted butternut squash seed recipe both coming soon!

8:20 p.m. ::
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