Unravel Me

emerging into the libra sun

october is half over. time to emerge from my shell. my recent silence comes from two things: 1) i'm having a terribly tough time. my body just isn't cooperating w/ me, & i'm in a major flare, complete with the variety of leg pain & joint aches & hair loss, etc. that i hadn't had in quite some time. AND...and...2) i've been doing lots of thinking & contemplating lately, and the things i'm thinking about stress me out. there are decisions to be made, which need to be made soon. and there are possibly some more tasks to be added to my "To-Do" list, based on the decisions i make. they're not bad things, mind you, but still stressful. perhaps the winds of change? maybe some exciting possibilities? i don't know, but i sure hope so! nonetheless, i suppose the stress of #2 doesn't help #1.

i really like fall, but i never feel my best, physically, at this time of the year. i wish it weren't so. in fact, every year, i tell myself, "this fall will be different". i try to convince myself but alas, it hasn't worked yet.

but despite feeling physically lousy, i'm enjoying all of the crisp delights and cozy comforts that autumn brings: crisp sweet apples, crisp tart apples (yes i like both sweet & tart varieties for different reasons!), butternut squash, acorn squash, and pumpkins. the days are cooler now, but still mild. the Libra sun is still brilliant and i love its gentle warmth, except when it shines directly into my eyes during the 5pm commute. the leaves are just starting to change colors now, and within a couple of weeks, foliage will be at its peak. halloween is around the corner, too. i'm not sure if i'm going to do anything fun or special, or be anyone/anything special, yet.

this weekend was too short. i didn't have time (or energy) to try this martha stewart pumpkin bread pudding recipe. but i know there will be plenty of time for that. it's still only october. OK-gotta get to bed! and gotta charge the ipod, too, or else there will be no kelly clarkson music during my commute!

10:45 p.m. ::
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