Unravel Me

post-equinox, pumpkins & more

so fall has arrived in these parts, and i'm thinking about everything pumpkin-flavored: beer, latte, bread, pie�even a body scrub!

even though it's still mild and temps are tapping 80 this week, the sun's angle has changed. it's hard to get up nowadays. the late-afternoon sun now glares directly into my eyes through my windshield at rush-hour. at once, the golden rays bring gentle warmth & no longer sear my skin like solstice heat. summer is slowly but surely fading into the distance, yet the light is so brilliant. autumn always brings me mixed feelings. but despite being more of a spring/summer girl, i do love many things about fall.

despite some passing dreariness from leftover hurricane rita, the weekend was good, and productive, and it featured the 9th annual vegetarian festival. i walked up there from the farmer's market after picking up some pretty purple & white eggplants. apparently, this is the southeast's largest vegetarian festival. the food was great! there was also a pet adoption exhibit. i saw some of the most adorable cats & dogs, and a few i'd have loved to adopt.

monday & yesterday found me in sort of a funky mood, for two reasons: 1) lately i've been contemplative, deeply insecure & a little overwhelmed right now. i want to make the right choices for myself and want to have faith that things will work out. i should be excited about my life's possibilities, and i AM, but there's an element of ongoing grief over some chronic illness-related "might-have-beens", "should-have-beens", and "could-have-beens". but I found some comfort in my 1st pumpkin latte of the season, even though it was warm out.

2) i learned on monday that a co-worker's 23-year-old son (her only child) died in a high-speed motorcycle accident on sunday night. apparently, he lost control and ran off of the road on I-64. he hit a guardrail, and he & the other person riding were thrown from the bike. he died on the scene. police are still investigating. i don't know if it was drugs or alcohol, or just a careless error, but our whole office is pretty shook up. i only met andy once, when he came in to see his mom, and he seemed like a good kid. but some of the older staff at work have known him since birth and watched him grow up. it's just incredibly tragic & heartbreaking.

last night, i went out for korean food with daisy and her fianc� joel, who flew in from california last week. i'd never met him before, since daisy often goes home to san diego to see him, and the other times he came here, i wasn't around. joel seems like a really great guy--smart as can be, but also sweet. so it was awesome to finally meet him, and they look even cuter as a couple in person than in their (cute) photos ! i'm going to miss daisy when she moves back to california. but maybe that'll give me an excuse to go visit L.A. & San Diego. right? yes. but for tonight, i'm home, tuning in to ANTM.

7:12 p.m. ::
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