Unravel Me

all about boobs, makeup & airbrushing

to sum it up, last saturday was a great time for a great cause. after my awesome "boob run" (the four-miler), i dove headlong into a decadently long labor day holiday. i needed it! my weeks have become a vicious cycle of wishful thinking: every day, i wake up hoping against all odds that it's friday or saturday. and most of the time, it isn't. i was so hurty/achey as i recovered from the run last week. i think it's b/c i didn't get a post-race massage like i usually do. the line at the massage tent was 10x longer than last year's and i didn't wanna wait. oh well. i had acupuncture on tuesday, so i'm less sore. how about an acupuncture tent at next year's race? yeah.

so if last weekend was about boobs, then this past saturday was about makeup. ahh, the joys of being female! daisy got engaged this summer and is planning her wedding. she has a dress and is now looking at makeup, so she had a Mary Kay party & skin care demo. it was a good excuse for some fun w/ the girls. the makeover part was fun, and i won a free tube of moisturizer.

BUT i confess: a big turn-off about mary kay is the obvious built-in sales-pitch pyramid. see, after your makeover, the beauty consultant meets with you alone and totally tries this whole "foot-in-the-door" maneuver so you'll buy the products she recommends. but i was savvy enough not to get hooked. my favorite cosmetics/skin care brand is clinique. hands down. i also use origins products, and of course, mac lipstick. and i'm 100% satisfied, thanks. i'm not saying i'll NEVER buy mary kay brand products. their quality is fine. but i'd rather go out and buy makeup on my own terms, when i'm ready and feel like it, w/o someone hovering over me, waiting for me to make a lipstick color faux-pas that she must correct. i just don't want a sales lady calling and pressuring me to buy stuff, you know?

speaking of makeovers, there's a website called Detouching Celebrities, where, instead of airbrushing photos, they do the exact opposite. they remove the re-touching, and enhance flaws like wrinkles, zits, etc. last week at work, shawn pulled the site up on his computer, and laughter ensued as we looked at galleries of "uglified" celebrities like j-lo, angelina, tom cruise, leo, and ben affleck. so, go check it out.

6:46 p.m. ::
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