Unravel Me

roses are red, violets are blue...

...when a deer runs in front of your car, you're screwed! well, not always. enough of the lame poetry. (feel free to hold the applause). however, i had another big scare on the interstate last evening as i was driving over here for mother's day weekend. i was traveling west on I-64 just before sunset when a deer ran out in front of my car and i panicked and instinctively swerved left. thankfully it was past rush-hour so traffic was fairly thin and there was no one right next to me, as i slightly crossed the lane markers. it shook me up momentarily. i think it was a baby deer.

it's weird, fall is when most vehicle-animal collisions seem to occur, so i never really thought of spring as deer season, until yesterday. then i recalled driving through pennsylvania one may, and seeing deer carcasses all along I-81. so just remember that it can happen anytime.

did you know that left-handed and ambidextrous people are more likely to be hurt or die in auto accidents? i read somewhere that researchers think that's because, when something like an animal runs into the road and drivers swerve to avoid it, they swerve to their dominant side. that's especially
dangerous on a two-lane highway, b/c if you swerve left, you go into oncoming traffic (or into another car if it's not a divided highway). but if you swerve right, you run off the road (perhaps less dangrous). maybe so. it's interesting food for thought, since i'm ambidextrous.

other news: i'm still trying to see if i can use flickr to image-host over here. i posted a couple new shots over there, but probably won't experiment w/ them until sometime next week. the other image problem i'm working on is making them appear less huge here. if anyone knows some photo-shrinking tips/tricks, do share! sorry my previous entry image was so huge! bear with me, i'm learning. but i'm super busy this week as i wrap up my 30th year, so although i'll try my best, i may or may not be back soon.

1:15 p.m. ::
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