Unravel Me

"it's not you, it's me. let's just be friends"

so what do you think of The Bachelorette finale? crazy, huh? after all that effort and publicity, jenn ends up using the age-old, "it's not you , it's me...let's be friends"? hmph. well, now that it and Project Runway are both over (go Jay!), i'm tuned in to ANTM 4.

the past week has been interesting and brought some setbacks, which have left me...pensive and searching. on the physical end, all i'll say is "oh, my wrists". (but one must take the good with the bad, right)? the good things included a snow day last thurs, when work was actually open, but i stayed in my pj's & slippers, drank tea, and telecommuted. monday was another much-needed snow day. other good things? the "Red Carpet" drink (thank you), and thin mint girl scout cookies. they balance out some of the negatives.

so, i'll finally give a full report on a big change/decision at work! in november, my boss presented two options for a lateral move. i was torn, b/c option #1 would have *doubled* my salary, but would also have required extensive travel, and i would have lost my flex time schedule. in short, it would have been too physically taxing. under ordinary circumstances, i'd have jumped at it. but ultimately, i had to be realistic and factor in my health/stamina. i ended up choosing lateral move option #2 (switch to working w/ high school & some college-aged clients, but remain on a flex schedule). i think/hope it was the right decision, at least for now. AND...

...yesterday was my 1st day visiting the two high schools where I've been assigned to provide VR services. it's new and promises to be interesting and i'll report back soon. maybe it's a good sign that I didn't go in and come running back out with my tail between my legs! (yet). ask me how it's going in another month or so, OK?

and give me some time to think about my long-term goals. what do i want and where do i see myself? i have more questions than answers at this point. i'm feeling tired & tight-lipped.

11:11 p.m. ::
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