Unravel Me

feelin' blue through tears & laughter

feelin' blue through tears & laughter...

did anyone else here ever have that feeling as a kid where you were on a crying jag, and someone tried to ask you what was wrong or comfort you, and you tried to speak, but the only thing you could do was keep sobbing and sniffling and sputtering disjointed words in between sobs? remember that? yeah, well that's how un-eloquent i'm feeling right now. frankly, i'm stunned, and lack the words to describe my anger and disappointment.

i can't bear to look at that overwhelmingly red map of the "breadbasket", the "heartland", the "bible belt" or whatever you call it. my eyes hurt. if it was painful being a blue girl in a red state, it's doubly painful being a blue girl in a red nation--especially knowing that 79% of the voters in my city voted for kerry and yet the state *still* went republican. it hurts A LOT. and yes, amishboy: you're lucky to live in seattle. you escaped that toxic red tide just in time.

today shall live in infamy. but before i go scan the classified ads in toronto or vancouver, or go curl up into a ball and sink into a four-year depression, i've got two more things to add:

1. the COST OF WAR is one of many reasons the current white house occupant makes me want to cry.

2. as someone who tries to find humor in even the worst of situations, i must admit that making fun of george w. bush makes me laugh. laughter heals, right? so be *sure* to follow the link below to go play this GIVE BUSH A BRAIN game. hahaha.

2:16 p.m. ::
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