Unravel Me

supermodels; choice & change; i'll have a shot!

supermodels; choice & change; i'll have a shot!

1) i wanted to write about icy-eyed amanda after watching ANTM yesterday. but i held back, and later noticed that ara jane beat me to it and hit the nail on the head in one sentence. i'll just say: amanda needs to dry her crocodile tears and move over, 'cuz it's yaya's turn to shine! (go yaya)! like shadowdress and daisy, i'm rooting for yaya.

2) right now, i'm both excited and apprehensive about some potential major life changes. in short, i've got two big decisions to make very soon: the first involves a choice i face at work which could possibly change my schedule and caseload population.

3) the second decision revolves around around whether or not it's time for me to start thinking about words like "dissertation", "qualitative statistics", "doctoral committee", "homework", "teaching assitantship", and "quantitative research". at age 30, i must now consider whether those words have a place in the life and times of emeraldtiger, if you get what i'm saying. so, yeah...it's a tough decision, and these forum posts partially highlight why i feel divided. i feel weird writing about this here, so that's all i can manage to tell you at the moment and this is the best way i know how to say it.

4) all i can say is that there better be some flu vaccine left for me since i'm in an eligible group. no way can i afford to go through what i did on new years' eve Y2K. while everyone was toasting champagne to ring in 2000, i was sick as a dog and doing shots of nyquil instead. then it turned into pneumonia and it took months to bounce back. i'm convinced that was *the* final straw that made me collapse after i finished my master's degree, and pushed me down (the SLE path) later that year.
10:39 p. m. ::
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