Unravel Me

nukular war & crashes; addiction & withdrawal


**hey, first things first, does anyone here know how to make HTML bullets? if so, please tell me how, as i've been wanting to do a bulleted list-style entry sometime!

NUKULAR! MISUNDERESTIMATE! i just got home from watching tonight's presidential debate with cindy and daisy. bush scowled and said, "the enemy attacked us". kerry smirked and replied, "extraordinarily revealing!". haha, did you notice that when they appeared side-by-side on the tv screen, W's podium was raised to make it look like bush matched kerry's height? i don't wear politics on my sleeve, but lets have a show of hands: how many people will vote for the person who mis-spoke this in august? "Our enemies are resourceful people, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we".

in other news, daisy was in a car accident this morning. she was broadsided en route to work, while making a left-turn. she was in ok spirits when i arrived, but not quite herself. she was woozy and sore, and since i unfortunately know what an accident is like first-hand, i felt big-time empathy. we commiserated and cindy tried to cheer her up w/ chocolate and ice cream. i insisted she see a doctor tomorrow for precautionary measures b/c she didn't today! it was actually a little hard for me to see that tonight b/c i know it firsthand, and the trauma i experienced in july hasn't all dissolved yet. (i don't know that it ever does).

AHEM...once again i've been sucked into watching ANTM 3! (hey, who you laughin' at)? don't try to pry me away from it b/c that's a hopeless cause. maybe it's lame, but i'm so addicted to top models! i haven't singled out a favorite yet, though daisy likes yaya and i kind of do too. my ANTM 2 fave was yoanna (and she won)! but i was happy to see mercedes featured in the current issue of Arthritis Today for revealing that she has lupus on national tv. good for her!

speaking of arthritis, this morning i was upset to learn about merck's withdrawal of vioxx. in fact, the news was such a hard blow that i started crying as i read it. since its introduction in '99, vioxx has been a lifesaver in easing (my arthritis/lupus pain). it's the NSAID my stomach tolerates best. what upsets me about the supposed "heart risk" is that the clinical trials probably involved older people who already had other cardiovascular risk factors--not young people like myself, with few or no heart attack risk factors.

okay. it's super late. must sleep now.

12:06 a.m. ::
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