Unravel Me

weather gods & my ass

weather gods & my ass...

okay, so this wasn't exactly the entry i was originally planning to write today. anyway...

i swear. the weather gods must have something against me. specifically, they must want me to get fat and become out-of-shape, and place dead last in every race i enter. since early may, the skies have decided to open right at 5 or 6pm almost every day--just about the time i get home from work. that is often exactly when i'm planning to go out for a run. typical humid east coast summer weather. it stinks. and yes, my west coast friends are going to feel triumphant that i've actually admitted this. the left coast is the best coast.

oh wait...did it just stop raining? well then i better go out for a quick run before another storm moves in. unfortunately, it's so hot and humid there is steam rising off of the pavement. i hope i don't get heatstroke.

uh, it seems my only options here are either heatstroke from exercising, or an ever-expanding ass from weather-induced sedentariness.

god i totally hate my ass right now. poor me. i'm having a "fat day". but like a passing shower, maybe this, too, shall pass.

dear weather gods, be nice to me! pretty please?

6:39 p.m. ::
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