Unravel Me

your wish is my command

your wish is my command...

last week's travel kept me busy and away from my desk. this week = "catch up". have i ever mentioned that there are two "company cars" we use at work for official business? one in particular is super-crappy: a '94 chevy cavalier. it needs new shocks (badly) and has ~110,000 miles on it. unfortunately during last week's trip, it died on me. the alternator failed.

for months, i've been going on and on to my friend shawn about how that car is such a piece of shit, how i thought it was on its last legs, and how i just wished it would die (so our office would replace it with a brand new car). well, that wish sure did come true! unfortunately it happened while i was behind the wheel! (of course--"your wish is my command!"). i doubt shawn will let me live that one down for a while! he laughed and told me that the way state funds are looking, i better not get my hopes up for a new car. luckily, VDOT fixed the car the next day so i wasn't stranded or anything. i can't believe it--i didn't mean i wanted it to die while i was driving it!

NOW having said all that, i probably shouldn't admit this, but i will anyway: i was sort of hoping this was the last straw and they'd finally junk that one and get something simple, but new. why not get a more reliable car: a honda civic, perhaps? a toyota corolla? how about a volkswagon jetta? only in my dreams...

luckily i was able to get a ride back to the conference i was attending. my workplace sent out a VDOT driver, who turned out to be a chatty guy named "ark". in a 15-minute span, i learned he was from NYC and had gone to an all-boy's catholic school, where one of his teachers was a strict nun named sister ethel, who would hit students' knuckles with a ruler if they were bad. he confessed to me that she was actually quite pretty, and looking back, he thinks that not too many years before she became a nun and teacher, she was probably just a naughty catholic school girl. haha! maybe so.

10:40 p.m. ::
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