Unravel Me

sold out, irritable, obnoxious, & i have to pee again...

sold out, irritable, obnoxious,& i have to pee again...

i've been irritable for much of today w/o knowing why. then i looked at the calendar and of course, it explained everything, almost. however, estrogen isn't to blame for everything. PMS or not, i really, really wanted to see the new harry potter movie today. alas, all shows sold out early this morning. am i willing to go line up tomorrow morning? should i be willing? is it worth the wait? what lengths will i go to see the prisoner of azkaban? i don't know. what i DO know is that i left the theater disappointed and annoyed.

my grumpiness subsided later, until someone said something annoying to me this evening. so i sat and quietly stewed for a while, but finally let it go because you know what? life's too short to be irritated about the little things.

hey--did i tell you about the voice message an obnoxious client left me this week? a client called while i was gone for memorial day. get this: she asked me to call her back on her cell-phone, but requested that i not call her back until after 9pm because that's when her night-time minutes kick in. what's up with that? as IF! um....hello!? i don't make calls to clients after-hours. no way.

remember how i mentioned last week that i always have to pee? well i think that's also making me grumpy. it's hard to get a good night's sleep when a full bladder wakes me up about 4x! i'm starting to suspect that the new drug i switched to last month to protect my kidneys contains a diuretic. lovely. so maybe it's a blessing in disguise that harry potter was sold out, as i probably would have had to get up several times in the middle of the movie to go to the bathroom anyway. isn't the flick supposed to be something like three hours long? anyway...time for me to pee again. and go to bed. goodnight.

11:07 p.m. ::
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