Unravel Me

doubled over: double the trouble

doubled over: double the trouble...

oh man, i feel like crap again lately. i literally feel like roadkill--it's as though a steamroller has flattened me. i'm exhausted. wiped out. in pain. a lot of it. i'm waaaaayyyy overdue for an acupuncture appointment. so i better be calling dr. glick (my acupuncturist) for an appointment ASAP. my new job is good and i'm glad to be there. but it also promises to keep me quite busy. and lately i've really been pushing myself physically. but if there's one thing i've learned through my experiences with all this, it's that i need to take care of myself and remember that my health comes first and i am my top priority.

but you wanna know something? it's gonna be harder to take good care of myself and not get overworked if the following turns out to be true:

i found out last week that my caseload at work may possibly double in size: i was originally assigned 25 clients, all of whom are from the city alone. but it turns out i may start getting clients from the surrounding county as well, pushing the number of open/active client cases to 50 or more. gah! the thought leaves me...tired. very tired.

it all makes me want to go hibernate just like our little furry friend punxatawney phil. so, the groundhog saw his shadow this morning? i think i see mine, too. and that means it's time to go nestle under some warm blankets and sleep.

or it could just mean i'm overdue due for a good acupuncture session.

11:51 p.m. ::
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