Unravel Me

the case against ultra low-rise jeans

the case against ultra low-rise jeans...

have i ever mentioned my deep disdain for *ultra* low-rise jeans? yeah, you know the real slutty teenager aguilera-skankuilera kind that go super low. i have no desire to see anyone's nasty thong. and especially when the wearer of these types of jeans has a larger-than-life derriere, it's just not fashionable or cool or hip. those kinds of jeans only make it look like the person simply couldn't get their pants all the way up. some things are better left to the imagination. it's like common fashion sense.


i saw something last month that strengthens the case against those ultra low rise jeans. on a roadtrip, we stopped in at a rest area off the highway. it was pretty windy out. i wasn't really paying much attention but out of the corner of my eye, i recall seeing some guy tossing a cigarette into one of those combined ashtray/trashcans. suddenly i heard a commotion and this girl wearing those ultra low-rise jeans was screaming at what i assume was her boyfriend (the cigarette guy). but i didn't give it much thought and headed on into the women's restroom. a few minutes later, i heard that same girl enter the stall next to mine. i then heard her say "oh no! aw fuck!" (and a host of other four-letter words). her friend was there with her and asked her what was wrong. the girl then replied: "(the cigarette) burned a hole in my underwear...a goddamn hole". her friend busted up laughing...as did just about everyone who was standing in line there.

the cigarette apparently didn't make it into the ash tray. instead, in a freak accident, the wind blew the embers right into that girl's ultra low-rise jeans. ouch! LOL!

more later.

6:45 p.m. ::
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