Unravel Me

a new artist

a new artist...


hmmm. still slightly woozy after the other night but better. i felt totally crummy... so i'm experimenting w/ lower doses. well i now know that celebrex is a sulfa drug, so i had unwittingly been getting a triple whammy of sulfa. so crazy, and i'm glad i know now!

the diaryland server is acting all weird lately b/c i'm not gold. it didn't let me update last night, and messed up an earlier entry today--so what did i come here to say anyway?? i guess i have to redo today's entry in short:

i think this is cool: the other day, itzie wrote that one of her favorite music artists as listed in her diary profile actually signed her guestbook! [well, she also happens to be good friends with this person]. i'd never heard of this artist before so i decided to go check out her page(s) on the web. her name is flora reed, and her debut cd is called "settle down".

i definitely recommend that you go check out this page! listen to the music samples--they're pure talent. thanks to itzie, i think i just may have discovered a new artist worth listening to. i got all excited when i saw that this singer-songwriter lives in an area near where i once lived, and that holds a lot of great memories.

if you've never been to northampton, massachusetts, you're really missing out. that town kicks *ass*. and every so often i think about that region and what i liked about it. my friend recently told me how much it's changed since i left. i guess i'm having a hard time fathoming some of it, especially the rumored idea of new apartment-style suite housing that certainly wasn't an option when i lived there. ugh. i guess it's always like that. you leave and a place gets improved. change is good and life goes on.

2:44 p.m. ::
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