Unravel Me

twin dream, yin-yang, girl-guy

twin dream, yin-yang, girl-guy ...

i usually don't bother to write about my dreams here. but today is a big exception. last night, i dreamt i was pregnant with fraternal twins!

i'm not really into dream analysis. but i remember seeing a book on that topic at barnes & noble a while back. in it, i read that if you dream of being pregnant with (or giving birth to) fraternal twins, it signifies an inner conflict you are experiencing. often, it symbolizes the battle between opposite parts of one's psyche in the quest to become whole. and most commonly it can represent the quest to find union between the masculine and feminine aspects of oneself. not to get all "new age" here or anything. (b/c i'm not a tarot cards type of gal).

seriously, it's interesting i should have this dream after my most recent appointment with dr. g (my acupuncturist). during my session it came out that he thinks i am what is known in acupuncture terms as "spleen deficient". he also mentioned how excess yang can signify an overactive immune system (e.g. autoimmunity). this in turn led to us talking about the yin-yang concept, which is associated with feminine and masculine, respectively. and he talked about gender patterns he's seen in his patients over the years--for instance, more "heart disharmony" in males, more "spleen imbalances" in females. [and we got into a conversation that would be too long and boring to write much more about here]. to make a long story short, he told me that over the past several months he's observed that the way i think [note: NOT the way i look] is androgynous in some ways, compared to a lot of other women he treats. now, is that a good thing? a bad thing? neither?

i'm not sure what to think. i honestly don't think he meant it in a bad way. so maybe it's neither good nor bad. and maybe i already knew that, given the way i've been raised and taught to think, and the ideas i've been exposed to. food for thought, i guess...

and lastly, no. last night's dream doesn't represent reality in any way. let me emphasize that there is no bun in the oven here, and i'm definitely not pregnant with twins.

1:48 p.m. ::
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