Unravel Me

no minnesota

no minnesota...

on tv right now: mtv real world las vegas finale episode

what i watched earlier tonight: the bachelor

what i'm glad about: my aol connection is more stable now. it doesn't keep disconnecting me, at least the past few days (knock on wood)


it's late right now. today was pretty good. i'm much too tired to write about it right now, though.

it was the right decision not to go to minneapolis this week. there was (is) a professional conference going on there this week (march 29-april 5). right now i'm not really in a position where i can derive maximum benefits from attending the conference. there's always next year. since it will be in philadelphia, i can probably drive up there or take amtrak, and don't have to bother w/ flying. the warm, sunny, 80 degree weather we had here today beats minnesota's cold, snowy weather hands down. it's april, after all!

okay i'm about to nod off right now. my head keeps nodding forward as i type this so it will be a miracle if there are no typos. okay i'm off to bed. there will be more from me tomorrow. goodnight.

11:57 p.m. ::
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