Unravel Me

baltimore & dc

baltimore & dc...

okay i'm redoing this entry because of all the frustrating strange technical problems with my diary lately. i update and then the entry vanishes.

yesterday (monday) night i was dead tired. it's quite a trek to baltimore--3 hours. it's not that bad, but it's taxing on me. plus, gridlock in both dc and baltimore seem to get worse each time i go. doesn't anyone take the metro to work anymore? what about carpool and HOV?

if i go for an early appointment i hit morning rush hour in dc. if it's a later appointment, i invariably hit heavy afternoon/evening traffic, esp on I-95 and 495 (the beltway). i don't know when i'll have to go back up to johns hopkins next, but hopefully not for a while.

11:21 p.m. ::
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