Unravel Me

grrrr....i'm bitchin' about switching

grrrr....bitchin' about switching...

yeah sorry i've come back here to bitch about something after updating only a little while ago on the "southern lilt" i supposedly have when i talk.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! my isp is really pissing me off. aol keeps disconnecting me while i'm in the middle of, say, typing an e-mail, or an entry here, or IMing a friend. so i keep having to go back to my dad's old dialup access (lucky i kept it on my computer) for a stable connection.

if this continues, i'm switching. at&t, sprint, earthlink or some other provider will get my business. sometimes the littlest things throw me into a bad mood. this is one of them. and it's not so little.

5:45 p.m. ::
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