Unravel Me

eggheaded trivia

*today's eggheaded trivia about me*...

after yesterday's last update, the truth is now out. i am indeed a science geek, and have always been somewhat of an egghead for useless, random trivia. especially science. what can i say?

well, what i'll reveal about myself today gets even better:

i love to read scientific american magazine. should i be openly admitting this or should i start going to "scienctifics anonymous" meetings? i don't have a subscription or anything at the moment but i used to. i regularly go online to read it, or pick it up at newsstands. i think this is one of the best and most informative magazines around. i guess it balances out other less serious, fun stuff i like to read.

so, laugh at me all you want, or admire my inquiring mind....it's entirely up to you...

i'll try to do a "real" update later on this evening.

5:37 p.m. ::
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