Unravel Me

more mistakes

more mistakes...

this isn't funny:

as if it wasn't bad enough to:

1) absent-mindedly put a box of crackers in the fridge overnight instead of in my cabinet

2) mistakenly turn on the wrong burner and melt my collander

3) accidentally put a message meant for one person in another person's guestbook

today, i realized i made another mistake this weekend. i opened my checkbook this afternoon and realized that i'd mailed off my credit card bill on friday but forgot to enclose my payment. there it was: a check written out to citibank that i had somehow left in my checkbook as i sealed the envelope and mailed it. i guess that means i better go online and pay it electronically since the due date is near. this stuff usually (almost never) happens to me. but never say never. we all make mistakes and i made my share of them this week.

7:28 p.m. ::
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