Unravel Me

add-on trivia

add-on trivia...

okay. instead spilling out more raw pain, i'll leave w/ an add-on. actually, i forgot to include this in today's update.

so, here's more random, useless or fun (depending on how you look at it) emeraldtiger trivia:

my favorite haircare product: aveda rosemary mint shampoo

speaking of which, i need to make a hair appointment sometime. [you know, otherwise, my stylist will start to think i'm straying from him];)

i'm not sure if i should keep my bangs or grow them out. i'm undecided. everyone says i look better w/ bangs, and i've always had them. but sometimes i think they make me look like i'm 18. then again, he's given me some great bangs before.

i totally love him. he'd fit in so well on the show "will & grace".

5:31 p.m. ::
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