Unravel Me

20 things about me

20 things about me...

i'm bored and don't feel like doing a "real" entry, so instead, here are 20 facts about me. enjoy!

1)full name: ha! like i'm going to reveal that!

2)diaryland name: emeraldtiger

3)birthday: may 15th

4)age: 28

5)birthplace: USA (an East coast state)

6)gender: female

7)place of residence: USA in a state along the East coast (mid-atlantic region)

8)highest level of education attained: master's degree

9)undergraduate major: english w/ concentration in american lit.

10)undergraduate minor: psychology

11)hair color: black (actually my stylist told me it's technically not true black but instead very dark brown)...but it's easier to just say i have black hair

12)eye color: dark brown

13)i am nearsighted (very), so wear contact lenses or glasses (i alternate)

14)height: a dynamic 5'2

15)weight: don't go there.....well, okay, i guess it's no big deal: as of this morning 113 lbs.

16)shoe size: 6 and 1/2 (US)--which is like a UK size 4, i think (i have some shoes from the UK so that's how i know)

17)piercings: just my ears, baby! **i kind of had a nose ring in college but it was a phase** i've changed a lot since then...maybe i'll write about it in a future entry

18)tattoos: none; i myself don't want any (permanent ones, anyway), although i actually do think they can be really cool on other people...as long as they're not overdone and don't cover someone's entire body--you know...like a whole arm covered w/ designs....and as long as they're not heart shaped w/ your significant other's name on your breast or whatever. that's tacky. sorry if i'm offending anyone!

19)lefty or righty? neither--anyone who has been reading me or seen my profile knows i'm ambidextrous...i do some things left-handed and other things right-handed, so it evens out. there are some tasks i can do comfortably w/ either hand. it intrigues a lot of people, although i myself take this "gift" for granted.

20)ever dyed my hair?

surprisingly, yes. i used to touch up my hair in college w/ dark reddish burgundy/garnet tones, although never did, nor wanted to change my actual hair color;

also in 8th grade i bleached a section of my bangs--and am actually admitting to you all that it was sort of to impress this skater boy i was in love with. it was pretty hideous and you don't want to know more. no one should have to see what that looked like!

12:37 p.m. ::
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