Unravel Me

stop it or lock it; mindless t.v.; random stuff

stop it or lock it; mindless t.v.; random stuff...

the big question on my mind is: should i stop it or lock it? i'm seriously considering my options.

one big reason for this: what if someone who knows me finds this page through a google search or something like it and puts the pieces of the puzzle together and realizes it's me? from reading someone's diary the other day, i know this has happened to other people.

whether you've been lurking around in the woodwork and stalking me or you're a regular reader, here's your chance to vote. (there is no "right" answer). e-mail me or leave a note.

Should Emeraldtiger:

A)stop updating altogether and ditch this whole diary?

B)lock her diary w/ a password?

C)keep writing and keep her diary open to all who wish to view it?

**if i eventually decide on password protection, and you're a regular reader, don't worry about me shutting you out. i'll have passwords.


on another note: tonight is bachelorette night!!!! i'm hoping trista picks ryan. according to the poll on abc.com, over 60% of viewers agree with me. apparently they'll spend time on a houseboat in seattle.

incidentally, that is the type of house that andy (the guy w/ the sexy voice and british accent) lives in. i was wrong, andy is from yorkshire not essex.

anyway, it's right on the water. it's such a pretty area and a great city. i've toyed w/ the idea of moving out west depending on the job opps for when i'm well enough. i'm still toying w/ it (more like fantasizing). but one thing i definitely know i don't want to do is work for the puget sound VA health system, the palo alto VA hospital, or the VA system in sf. my sister says there are a lot of opps in the VA system if i decide to work in therapy or substance abuse treatment. too many crusty old veterans w/ comorbid AODA (alcohol and other drug addiction) problems and PTSD. call me prejudiced but i'm probably not too wrong in saying they'd make very resistant, ill-tempered clients who would sit and glare at me with resentment. i really don't need that!

and speaking of all of this mindless reality t.v., did you hear the gossip? the bachelor (aaron, from the 2nd bachelor show)broke up w/ helene? surprise, surprise. well it's time to turn on the t.v. my parents are hooked on the bachelorette too, believe it or not!!!!! like i said i'm at my parents' house this week. things are cool again here, and dad and i are going to get sushi for lunch tomorrow.

8:21 p.m. ::
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