Unravel Me

loving a sexy voice; yoga and more telemarketers

loving a sexy voice; yoga and more telemarketers...

okay, i have a question for anyone who thinks they know the answer:

is it possible to fall in love w/another person by hearing their voice? as strange as it seems, i think maybe it's happened to me. someone i know keeps teasing me that i'm in love with her british friend andrew. mind you, i've never actually met andy. when i saw her last month, we were talking about foreign accents and how fun they are to hear and imitate. incidentally she'd saved a few voicemail messages he left on her cell phone and let me listen to them since i was curious what this guy sounded like. boy was i in for a treat! he sounded exactly like hugh grant (the tone of his voice). and that british accent was so sexy! am i losing my mind? the person i know also showed me pictures of him and he's quite cute....so yeah, it's not only his voice. if i met him in person i could so easily fall in love! ah, if only i could fly out to seattle later this spring or summer and meet this guy before he heads back home to essex. he also has two pictures on the web: one on his dept. page at uw (univ. of washington, for people who don't know), and the other via the seattle marathon page. the pic at uw actually isn't that great and looks more like a mugshot. the person i know who is friends with him and ran the half marathon with him said they posted pictures for some of the finishers along with their results, so i checked him out and although his face looks exhausted after all 13.1 miles, he looked so hot in black shorts and a blue shirt. he finished in 1:49 while the other girl i know finished in 2:18. i guess if you calculate that, andy runs an 8 and 1/2 min. mile, which is what i run at the moment. hell yeah, i'd go running with this guy anytime! mmmm.....he's so sexy. or maybe i'm losing my mind. or both. which is it? someone *please* tell me!

on another note, i went to yoga yesterday. i can't even begin to say how much it lifts my spirits and helps me de-stress while giving a great workout. it was funny though: during yesterday's class, this one guy farted. i mean, this was a *really* loud, honking fart and everyone there burst out laughing (including myself). i felt bad for the guy. but at least having a good laugh (even if it was at someone else's expense)helped me out b/c i'd arrived at class in another bad mood from more crappy telemarketer hell. another foreign-language telemarketer. why is it that these telemarketers assume i either only speak--or am more comfortable in--a language other than english based solely on my last name???????? i'm sorry but unfortunately i'm not bilingual. i wish i was, since it's such an asset in today's world, but unfortunately i'm not. too bad. i guess it makes me boring and one-dimensional because i only speak english. i just want to say two things here:

1) i want to order the telezapper. i saw it advertised on tv. is it worth it?

2) i think foreign language telemarketing is bad. maybe it's really good for businesses to reach some ethnic groups. but with all of the talk about "do not call" lists, i think it gives telemarketers a loophole whereby they can get away with not putting you on a "do not call" list. because even if i tell them in plain english that i want to be placed on a "do not call" list, they usually don't acknowledge what i say and just mumble something else in a foreign language and then hang up only to call again later.

4:20 p.m. ::
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