Unravel Me

don't call me!!!!!!

don't call me!!!!!....

omg: i'm so incredibly irritated!!!!! the reason? telemarketers. but it doesn't end there. they were non-english speaking telemarketers who apparently target calls to people based on their last name and ethnic group. how can they just *assume* that because i have a certain last name, i speak a certain language or that i'm non-english speaking? (in truth, foreign languages just aren't my bag. long ago i wanted study french but that dream was quickly dashed).

do they just do this to certain ethnic groups or have telemarketers started using this tactic for all groups in the u.s.??????????????????????

why am i so annoyed by this?

i took a nap this afternoon and made sure to turn off the ringer on my phone. well it turns out i accidentally put the ringer on loud instead. the phone was sitting on my bed near my pillow where i was curled up sleeping. while i was in a deep, delicious, juicy sleep, the phone rudely jarred me awake with someone saying stuff i didn't understand.

that is just *so* not cool with me!

needless to say, i went to yoga in a bad mood only to literally get bent out of shape. the good news is that i'm still very flexible. i can still do a split, bend and touch my toes and put my palms flat on the floor, do the bow pose, AND last but not least put my legs up behind my head [y'all can ask my ex-boyfriend about this one ;-)]. yoga is amazing. but more on that another time.....

9:59 p.m. ::
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