Unravel Me

slippery slope

slippery slope...

just a quick entry: i'm having a *really* tough time this evening. all i can say is that anyone who has struggled with body image can no doubt relate to what a slippery slope i feel like i'm on right now. i'm trying so hard to fight it and overcome it through sheer strong will so it doesn't overpower me and get the best of me. there was a big discussion this evening and my family has an idea that this is a sensitive subject for me but i want them to back off and let me deal with it alone and sort through it by myself since it's so emotional and upsetting. i know they worry some about this issue, not to mention the (arthritis) as a separate concern. i am stronger than this and i will *not* let myself go down this slippery slope and let such an unhealthy obsession spin out of control.

10:46 p.m. ::
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