Unravel Me

I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It

Yeah. I thought that title would perk everyone up.

Last week, I had houseguests all week. Two of them caught bad chest colds while they were staying with me. I liberally popped Airborne tablets and zinc lozenges, and washed my hands often. After they left, I felt all triumphant that my immune system must be stronger than I thought. And then...the next day, the illness hit. So who stayed in on Valentine's Day? Me! At least this year.

Since I've been housebound all day, and totally high on cough syrup and Nyquil and lozenges, I had time to come up with that FB list of 35 random things about myself. After the other day's venting about being repeatedly tagged, the secrets are all out. Now there are some people out there who know I was a closet Def Leppard fan when I was 14, and loved the song "Pour Some Sugar On Me". Yep. Not that anyone cares or will remember that random fact. Maybe all of those things make me more human.

While I'm at it, I have another top secret to tell you guys that I haven't told and probably won't tell the FB crowd: you know that Katy Perry song, "I Kissed A Girl & I Liked It"? It's catchy and I kind of like it. And I hear my music cred dropping as I type this. I always smile a little bit when I hear this song, wondering what the reaction to it would have been on campus had this song come out (no pun intended) back in college. When I hear this song, it gives me the same amused reaction I had when, a few years ago, I was cleaning my old apartment and getting ready to pack and move, and I came across an article one of my college friends had mailed me. I forget what magazine she had clipped it from--maybe Sassy (?). It's title was "Lesbians Until Graduation". Aweseome article. The colleges it mentioned included Smith, Swarthmore, and I think Brown. As you might expect.

Speaking of this song, have you seen this photo that's been circulating around the internets? Apparently, Katy Perry's fan base has extended to the church crowd. Sort of.

9:11 p.m. ::
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