Unravel Me

Zingiber Officinale

Six things:

1) I'm back in town. With a fever of 101 degrees, and a creeping fear that I've caught the bug that took down my Mom the other day and forced her to a diet of ginger ale and crackers Saturday and Sunday. Uh oh. I'm telling myself I will NOT surrender to this. I CANNOT afford this during the last week of classes and final exams/papers. And so I drink my favorite ginger tea that I love...but for, uh, medicinal purposes. And let's leave it at that.

2) BUT...I had a truly wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! There was warmth, good food, and family. You know the routine...

3) The next two weeks at school will be insane. Oh, did I already say that?

4) I have a monstrous project due tomorrow morning. If I ever become a professor, remind me to never ever ever have an assignment that has to be completed during Thanksgiving or Spring break.

5) I finally heard back from my guy friend and...it's all good...he wants to stay good friends, and that makes me very very happy.

6) I'm wearing stretchy pants right now.

10:15 p.m. ::
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