Unravel Me

mmm, pancakes, my friends...

...now THAT makes for a Super Tuesday! i tried posting this earlier today, but it never showed up.
this was my "To Do" list for this Fat Tuesday (in no particular order):

1) finish statistics homework
2) start reading Three Billion New Capitalists (required for a class)
3) stop by lab to play around with new research data set
4) go to gym for 40 minutes on the elliptical machine, followed by arm weights
5) go to grocery store to pick up assorted strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and whipped cream.
6) go home, make berry pancakes and eat them for my Shrove Tuesday dinner.
7) watch primary election results.

Of these tasks, my favorite are #5 & #6. Who says you can't have pancakes for dinner!? "Vote in Primary Election" isn't on my list b/c I don't live in a Super Tuesday state.

While I've got your attention, there's one more thing:

I thought so. I knew it couldn't just be me. John McCain is not my friend. on that note, Happy Mardi Gras!

7:13 p.m. ::
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