Unravel Me

deadweight & drinky

"Find a partner". "Group project". they're the most dreaded words a student can hear. my worst fears came true last week when the flake i was paired with on a class paper/project *completely* dropped the ball on me. deadweight! (i wrote about it on bl0gger). in short, my project partner e-mailed me THE DAY BEFORE IT WAS DUE, saying he was away in Texas for a long weekend, was "sorry" he had no material for me, and wouldn't be back in time. i wrecked my body by getting ONE hour of sleep on monday night, then worked all day tuesday to craft a full paper based on HALF of the needed material, by 5pm. the professor knows what happened, but i still don't feel good about turning in what felt like a half-assed paper. when it comes to school projects, i'll work alone any day. introverted, perfectionistic, and in complete control.

needless to say, i paid a physical price for pulling an almost-all-nighter. last wednesday saw me in bed most of the day with a searing migraine and a flare-up of arthritis in my hip joints that had me in tears.

but the week ended well. last friday was too beautiful a spring day to let go to waste. Architect Boy & i met downtown for drinks at Zocalo. we talked about his job search and upcoming graduation. he'll get his master's degree in urban planning next month, and is job-hunting. there are some local leads, but there's a high probability he'll have to move to either DC or southern california (LA/Orange Co). so yeah.

the mojitos hit the spot, thanks to my favorite bartender and school pal, P, whom i'll miss when he moves to minneapolis in july. when he's not hitting the books, he's got mad bartending skills here (at Zocalo), and occasionally back in his hometown of Seattle, at the Matador Ballard. i'll leave you w/ these:

my handsome bartender friend (aka "Seattle Boy"):
my favorite bartender


6:54 p.m. ::
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