Unravel Me

my hometown isn't just for mennonites!

after i came back from my business trip, i spent the afternoon catching up on headlines, and what do you know? i see one about richard dreyfuss and his recent visit to my hometown (the one i was born & grew up in):

From IMDB:
Actor Richard Dreyfuss married Russian-born Svetlana Erokhin in Harrisonburg, Virginia, on Thursday--while in town for a speaking engagement at a university. The Mr. Holland's Opus star, who spoke at James Madison University, appeared unannounced at the Rockingham County Courthouse, took out a marriage license, and wed in the magistrate's office.

Um, that would be the same courthouse where I went when I got my first driver's license in 1990. This is the same courthouse where, at 16, I sat with a roomful of other new drivers-license-holders, as a judge impressed upon us the solemnity of the honor and privilege to drive. Yes. Momentous things do occur in the town where I was born and raised, to be sure.

7:09 p.m. ::
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