Unravel Me

ice, cards, swirly brownies & panic

ice storm = no work today. yay! but, oh wow, i feel like i need a good cry. actually, other than several important deadlines over the next few days, things really aren't bad here at all. but when i think about how my life could change either by a little, or a lot in the coming year, the awesomeness of it all overwhelms me and i get scared and question if i'm making the right decisions.

twice yesterday, i got a momentary twinge of sadness as i thought of the possibility that i might not be living here next year. i'm working on paperwork that may or may not predict what changes do or don't come my way. i've accepted that some stuff is beyond my control (e.g. my apt being sold). BUT, what i hope with all my heart is that come spring, i will have several attractive options to choose from, you know? that way it's ME steering the ship and making my choice.

ha! this year, i thought i'd get an early start on my christmas cards, so i wouldn't run into the same problem as last year. i was all excited to find cute cards at Barnes & Noble, and holiday stamps to go with. but somehow in the past two weeks, the box of cards got buried under everything else on my desk (literally and figuratively). now i'm panicked to send them out, and am scrambling to get a list together in the next day or so and hoping i don't miss anyone.

i'm also panicked b/c i have six deadlines in the next few days, and lots of overnight mail or fed-ex to send out. then, tomorrow is my last day of work until after the new year, and there are loose ends to tie up there. my apt. is a mess, and this weekend, i'm leaving town to head to my parents' for a day or two. then next tuesday, i'll be aboard a flight out to colorado for x-mas. my parents got a ticket upgrade, and they deserve it. but i'll be stuck back in United's coach class cattle cars. poor me.

my friend's holiday party is cancelled tonight due to ice. i'd made these awesome swirly Ghirardelli brownies to take there, but now i'm stuck w/ a whole batch. (yeah, poor me, stuck w/ yummy brownies & no one to share them with). but, here's the recipe for sharing. finally, here's my one request: please don't let the ice knock out power tonight! there's important work to be done online. AND, as charming as it may sound, i don't want to write my x-mas cards by candlelight!

4:17 p.m. ::
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