Unravel Me

where will i be in six months?

hmm. that's a good question but i don't know the answer, so read on. here are several things before i go to bed:

1) it's sleeting outside. i'm hoping for a snow/ice day off from work tomorrow, slim as the chance may be. now wouldn't that be nice?

2) a day off would mean i could stay home in my flannel pj's and bake scones while drinking darjeeling tea.

3) i feel old today. believe it or not, i remember when john lennon died, albeit vaguely. i was six years old, so it's not like i attached any meaning to it. but i do recall that it happened in december, because our x-mas tree was up. if i remember correctly, i was sick with the flu, and was wrapped up in blankets on my parents' bed. the alarm clock radio by their bed was on, and the radio station played non-stop beatles music. incidentally, i'm listening to some beatles music right now.

4) i feel unsettled and insecure right now because, come summer, i will most likely have to move. there...i said it out loud: i might be moving. and this fills me with mixed feelings on so many levels. there's no time or energy for details now, but...i think what stresses me out is not just the possibility/likelihood of moving. it's the feeling of being in limbo for the next several months.

5) i'm up too late for my own good, and have been sleep deprived as of late. with everything i have to do over the next several days/week ahead, the sleep deprivation looks to continue. december is a stressful month. but there's always the punch bowl and the eggnog and the mulled wine and the buttered rum to look forward to. right? ;-)

11:59 p.m. ::
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