Unravel Me

it's friday, it's hurricane season, but it's time for pink balloons!

before the long weekend starts: let me say that this devastation from katrina is unbelievable and heartbreaking. but i've confirmed that one of two people i know from new orleans is OK. i know i've mentioned here before that i'm a class officer for my college class (it's a combined scribe/secretary position). yesterday i got an e-mail from my alma mater's alumnae/development offices, asking me if i'd heard from/about either of two '96 alums who live in new orleans...and if not, could i check on them? so i e-mailed both ladies (phones are down, i figured e-mail was better).

one, who has a baby, and a husband in the coast guard, responded that she's safe at her parent's house in mississippi. she's a smart southern girl, and i think she knew the power of the Gulf. she was raised to respect the water and know that one of these days, this was bound to happen. yay for her, she thinks her "Uptown" district house was spared the brunt of the damage. BUT i haven't heard from the other girl yet. she's a gal originally from boston, who was transplanted into the "big easy" to take on a university librarian position straight out of an M.L.S. program. but i hope & assume she knew to get out before the high waters came.

on a lighter note, i just picked up my race packet for the Charlottesville Women's Four Miler. is there a better way to spend an early saturday morning? i'm so excited, and am determined to have fun regardless of how fast or slow i'm able to go tomorrow. it raises money for breast cancer, and the atmosphere is much like danskin, with its "can do" attitude, and welcoming atmosphere for veteran & novice runners/walkers alike. but minus the biking & swimming. since i've now done a tri, i think i can certainly go the distance tomorrow.

besides, i did this race with a respectable finish-time last year...just over a month after the car accident, and in the midst of an (arthritis) flare! words just can't describe how energizing, fun, and emotional the 4-miler is, w/ all the pink balloons, the festive atmosphere and tremendous fan support. BUT i will definitely try to tell all later on! after the race? labor day weekend is upon us, and that calls for more pie-making on sunday, then a backyard BBQ on monday. we'll fire up the grill and throw some fish onto it, along w/ corn cobs. good, good things. oh how i wish it'd be summer forever! xoxo

5:33 p.m. ::
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