Unravel Me

getting autographs, being kosher, & facing the impossible

my sister saw david sedaris on saturday, when he spoke to a packed auditorium in denver. oh, how i'd love to see him! (you may recall he came to my city last october, but it was when i was away on that week-long business trip. it figures, doesn't it!?). anyway, she got his autograph for herself, plus one on a book plate for me, which she's bringing next month for my b-day. yay! not surprisingly, she says he's just as funny at his readings and in person as he is in writing. oh david, please come back here!!!

on friday, my parents visited, so i took them out to el puerto. thanks to shawn and mary, i've discovered that their mexican food is the best in town, and now i also know that the margaritas and mexican beers are good. my menu recommendations? definitely try the chile relleno, or the camarones diablos (shrimp). say it: "CAMARONES DIABLOS". i like how that sounds. if you guessed it was hot and spicy, it was indeed! but recently, i've splurged by eating out a lot, so in an effort to save $$, i'm packing my lunch to take to work tomorrow. i just fixed the best tuna sandwich, accompanied by a kosher half-sour pickle. lately i've been craving pickles, (and no--not with ice cream, so don't start getting any funny ideas)! i threw in some strawberries and a cup of yogurt for a mid-afternoon snack/dessert.

ok, so maybe i'm not jewish, but it's passover. therefore, i am jewish at heart this week! because, right now, i'm totally matzoh balling! my kitchen is stocked w/ various kosher foods: matzohs, matzoh balls, kosher pickles, apple sauce, potatoes to make potato pancakes (latkes), coconut macaroons, and what else? �i'm sure i'm forgetting something. anyway, one of my favorite grocery stores here always has awesome deals on kosher stuff during major jewish holidays so i took full advantage. i love jewish food! the only thing missing is manischewitz wine, as it's a tad too sweet for my tastes. instead, inspired by her recent entry, i've had a hankering for some un-kosher wild vines lately. sometimes, cheap blackberry merlot or peach chardonnay just hits the spot.

today i swam a � mile in 15 minutes. (not bad). but triathlon training suddenly scares me now b/c it all suddenly seems impossible. i went to another bike shop afterwards. they don't have many 13-inch models (my size). but i test-rode a bright, "Kermit-the-Frog green" Trek mountain bike for fun in the parking lot, and...WHOA NELLY! i couldn't stop! i hadn't ridden a bike in years, so it was a thrilling adrenaline rush. and then i panicked that i might not be able to stop coasting downhill. i got scared and insecure b/c my feet didn't touch the ground when i braked to dismount, and i wondered what if i can't stop, or i crash or fall off? funny, it's kind of weird having to re-learn to ride a bike, or rather, re-adjust to it and learn techniques specific to the whole triathlon endeavor. it's all new and scary and exciting! there's more to report on that, and my training, and my life in general. BUT, I've been extra busy and tired and now it's bedtime, so once again, diaryland will wait on the backburner...

11:55 p.m. ::
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