Unravel Me

catch me if you can! (weekend entry #2)

(...this morning, nobody could...).

right now, i'm grinning ear-to-ear and finishing up the rest of my gatorade. ahem...guess who won the 4K race this morning??!! omg, WOW... i can hardly believe it--1st place! this is a such dream come true, and it's the most amazing, exhilerating feeling! i broke into a huge grin, and squealed with delight as i crossed the finish line!

i didn't want to say it aloud beforehand (either in last night's entry or this morning), but...based on last year's performance, i actually was aiming to try to win this year's 4K walk. at the very least, i hoped to place 1st in my age group this time. and somehow indeed, it happened! (you may recall that last spring, i did this same race and finished 8th overall and 2nd in my age group). i think i was about a minute faster today than last year, though official finishing times won't be posted 'til later this week. simply put, i'm psyched all around!

and if there's any doubt in your mind about whether i walked the walk or ran it today, i think you know the answer by now! okay. *{deep breath}*. now before going out to celebrate later, or typing up the blow-by-blow of today's victory here, let me go bask in happiness & triumph while everything sinks in. a cat nap is also in order.

*PS: i got a free massage afterwards, and it felt *so* good!

2:22 p.m. ::
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