Unravel Me

RAWR--this tiger is speaking & the tigers have spoken...

having AT & T as your long-distance telephone service carrier is apparently like the Hotel California, where "you can check out, but you can never leave". see, back in late november, i signed up for a different company's package deal, which included local phone, high-speed internet & earthlink e-mail, and a long-distance calling plan. at the time, i went though all of the designated steps to switch my long-distance carrier from AT & T to the new company.

well i'm outraged. i received an AT & T bill yesterday, so i made the umpteenth call to them and learned that they still list me as a customer--this after repeating those same designated steps to switch my phone company *FIVE* times, to date!

i'll spare you the boring details, but in short, it seems i've uncovered some unethical business practices, whereby a phone company grabs customers by the balls and won't let them go. rather than accept and honor my assertive, firm "NO MEANS NO" requests, they're trying to trap me--catching a tiger by the tail, perhaps. as feisty as i can be at times, this sort of poor customer service makes me feel helpless all the same. it's like you're at their mercy b/c they'll grab you by the balls, the ovaries, the tail, whatever they can grab to hold on to you and never let go. that truly galls me.

still, not everything in the world is bad. there is a Neko Case show tonight at starr hill. indeed, the tigers have spoken.

PS: also, i feel pretty sexy today, despite the incredible joint pain i've had again lately. that surely counts for something, no? i'm wearing a powder blue silk top, a black knee-length skirt, black tights, glasses, my "siren" MAC lipstick, and black dansko clogs. sexy? or cute? well...you decide.

6:07 p.m. ::
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