Unravel Me

put me back in line, and while you're at it, bring me a horchata...

put me back in line, and while you�re at it, bring me a horchata...

i could really use some good cheer lately. you could buy me a margarita the size of my head. i�ll throw in some bonus points if any of you want to come sit or stand on my back and readjust my spine--i�m serious!when i was about five or six, my mom used to ask me to stand on her back and walk up and down it. i was probably no more than 40 or 50 lbs. at the time. i didn�t understand how on earth she could enjoy that. fast forward many years later: during my first year of college, there was a skinny girl from jersey, who lived across the hall who asked me to do the same thing. i hesitated, and then seriously questioned her sanity many times, but she insisted that having all 105 lbs. of me standing on her back felt like the best thing ever. every time i obliged her, i feared i would pulverize her b/c she was built like kate moss, but she swore it felt so good. (maybe it wouldn�t feel as good to her now that i�m a good 5 or 10 lbs heavier than i was at 18)! now i realize that either she wasn�t as crazy as i thought, or i�m turning crazy to even consider wanting a spinal adjustment. you see, my friend cindy recently suggested seeing a chiropractor if i can find one worth his or her weight in money, or getting my acupuncturist to adjust my spine�something i never gave much thought to until now. the idea is still a little scary b/c of the arthritis in my SI joints and my abnormal c1-c2 neck x-ray, but maybe�just maybe�

unfortunately for me, dr. glick has been in traveling in peru and japan this entire month, meaning i haven�t had acupuncture since the accident and won�t until sometime in sept. he knows what happened b/c we spoke on the phone, but the fact remains that my upper back and neck remain painful and spasm-y, and i�m stuck on pain meds. my regular doctor ordered me to 6+ weeks physical therapy starting next tuesday, so hopefully it gives me some drug-free relief.

all this month, i've felt irritable, tense, and teary at the drop of a hat. if only PT or acupuncture could specifically be ordered to improve one�s mood. ha, wouldn�t it be nice?! (unfortunately, i can�t exactly see myself calling dr. glick and saying �i�m grumpy. help me.�). to date, i�m upset at the fact that i�m still on painkillers, which is bad b/c 1) they upset my stomach and 2) they�re bad for (my kidneys). due to the latter, my little feet are swollen and i�m spilling a lot of urine protein, but you know what? fuck it. i have no choice right now. fuck it if my kidneys start failing. fuck it if the NSAIDS burn a hole into my digestive tract or eat out my stomach lining.. fuck everything. i�m resigned to the fact that frustration abounds. something�s been thrown off balance and it feels shitty and it�s eliciting some bitchiness for sure and i don�t feel good about it. people should avoid me for the next week or so, b/c to top it off, i'm PMSing and spotting. (i know. TMI. sorry). someone please correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought women on birth control didn't normally spot after maybe the first month on contraceptives?

well, it�s almost lunch time. i plan to go treat myself to a horchata. i had one for the first time in colorado and was thrilled to find there�s a mexican place near here that sells the mix. i had the original cinnamon almond type, but recently noticed it comes in strawberry flavor too. so i�m debating about whether or not to try the pink strawberry flavor. i can�t make up my mind, but either way, a horchata is sure to make me feel better, no?

12:04 p.m. ::
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