Unravel Me

punched in the kidneys

punched in the kidneys...

i don't get it. i'm disappointed. a week ago i went in for some lab tests to see how the new drug i started last month for my kidneys was working. well apparently...it's not. it only succeeded at making me pee all the time. today, a nurse called and said that instead of going down, my urine protein levels have jumped. (what?!?) i am to go back to my old medication. i don't understand: they've *never* been that high. i don't know. when i heard that, i really felt like someone had punched me in the stomach.

it's totally unexpected b/c i take good care of myself. all things considered, i feel fairly healthy. i look very healthy. i'm athletic. and most importantly, i have a healthy outlook/attitude. so i was sure the lab tests were going to show a dramatic improvement.

oh well, there's always next time. when i repeat this test in three months, i hope i'm singing another tune. most of the time i don't give my kidneys much thought, but times like this are sobering b/c it's just a reminder that sometimes people do still go on to develop serious complications. kidney issues are often the biggest worry for us (in SLE) but it goes unspoken most of the time. and with good reason: i can't think about that. ever.

11:52 p.m. ::
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