Unravel Me

all shook up, twister, consistent...

3rd entry today:

all shook up, twister,consistent;...

it's official. the shaking i felt today was indeed an earthquake according to the usgs. it was a 3.9 richter scale tremor. it wasn't all in my head!

exactly a year ago today we had a tornado in the area (i don't live in the region known as tornado alley, so this was pretty unusual). the alarms in my building went off and everyone in my apt (a highrise) was ordered to wait out the storm in the basement.


on to another topic. it's stupid, but... i think maybe i need to be consistent--i'm torn over how to sign guestbooks here. i started out signing everyone's books with my screen username only. but now i use my real first name in some guestbooks, my first initial in others, and still emeraldtiger in others.

it shouldn't be a big deal. i've been hesitant to sign using my actual first name for several reasons: like, in case spammers who lift addresses from guestbooks started to associate my actual first name with my e-mail address...then started targeting more junk e-mail to me by name. [yeah, you know: those preapproved home loans and offers to help me grow a long piece of male anatomy]. LOL!

7:48 p.m. ::
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