Unravel Me

late night chat; six months

late night chat; six months ...

it's a wonder i can think straight. i was up late last night, partly because i couldn't sleep, but also because i was on the phone with my sister. i guess that's what happens when there's a three hour time difference. we talked about a bunch of stuff including dad. she's flying in from the west coast this coming sunday for a week ....and will only incidentally be here for mother's day and my birthday.


other stuff: saturday was my six month anniversary on diaryland! i came here in november as an experiment. i wanted to use this as a space for personal growth & development, a blank, anonymous space to explore my thoughts. i also wanted to practice some html. never did i imagine i'd "meet" the people i have met here, or get to "know" them through their writing (and vice versa)....my first time connecting with others in a virtual cyberspace way. not a bad thing. but certainly a paradigm shift.

i saw my earliest entries as mere spouting or venting into my own corner of cyberspace. if anyone bothered to read, they were nameless, faceless strangers and i was a mere screen username to them. now though, i am more aware that there are people out there, and sometimes i censor. and i'm sure i'm not the only one who does it from time to time.

as time went on, i discovered how hard it is to remain completely anonymous in a space like this....unless your diary is like this one called perceptions i've seen a couple of times. it's literally a gray box with words inside...no profile, no buddies, but literally thousands of readers. i don't know if that guy is for real, but if he is, it's interesting what i happened to read last week where he wrote about something he'd held back for a while...interesting that he thought he couldn't write about some things despite the fact that nothing about his diary identifies him in real life.


finally, speaking of the above, i'm glad people had fun with my little quiz last week. :)

more thoughts later as they happen...

12:27 p.m. ::
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